Everything Old is New Again!

I am a magazine junkie. I have been ever since I was a kid. This visual print record of the popular past fascinates me, and I often take inspiration for my own designs from vintage era garments.

When I recently encountered this page from an old 1932 issue of VOGUE fashion magazine, I was struck with how little things have changed! Four sweaters for spring—and the headline is The Omnipresent sweater!


Indeed—almost 100 years later, we are still loving the sweater as an essential garment.  Not just because we like knitting them, but because they are so wonderful to wear.

I found all four of the springtime 1932 sweaters both charming and incredibly wearable. Each one has a modern quality—don’t you agree?  And they make me yearn to know more about their designers!

Cropped Crimson!

The top sweater, in cheery Cherry red, with insets (possibly crocheted?) that give the pullover a dressmaker quality—Lapels,  and “bracelets” of contrast. I just love it…. The attribution points to the designer Hattie Carnegie, who was a well known figure of fashion (I have ordered a book about her life!)

Hattie Carnegie's life story surpasses that of Cinderella in that it is true. Born in 1886, she went from being a destitute Macy's messenger girl who owned three blouses and one skirt to controlling, at its high point, a ten-million-dollar empire. Her five companies included custom and ready-to-wear clothing, hats, perfume, and fabulous costume jewelry.”


Summer Set-In

The second sweater is a simple shaped-sleeve pullover with an allover lace pattern featuring two summery colors: bleach white and lemon yellow! The cinched-in waist is oh-so-sweet.   Apparently the House of Kargere had salons in both NY and Paris.


And that  polo collar is so on trend….. I just chased that concept this past year with my sweater from Vogue Knitting.



I am enamored of the third stripey pullover, textured with ridges in a wonderful color scheme. The square neckline would be easy, wouldn’t it? No neckline shaping beyond the single bound off row! I can’t quite tell from the photo if the corners of the trim are mitered—but that is what I would do! Also from the house of the busy Hattie Carnegie!

Celadon Special

The openwork of this little green tank jumps it to forefront of 2023 trends! No complex shaping to mar the sharp geometry of the eyelets! Straight unshaped armholes and another square neckline! Not sure if this one, from “Altman’s”, is knitted or crocheted, but it sure hits the mark for either fabric today.

And here was where you would shop for it, at 5th Avenue and 43rd St! I can imagine wandering through the sweater department for spring specialties…


I love exploring the past through ads and magazine features.  Everything old is new again…


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